Catholic Herald Piece by Anscombe Education and Research Officer, Dr Chris Wojtulewicz, on ‘Why Mandatory Vaccinations Are Wrong’

The Catholic Herald has today published a piece by our Education and Research Officer, Chris Wojtulewicz, discussing from Catholic ethical principles the reasons why it is both true that voluntary reception of COVID vaccines contribute to the Common Good, but fundamentally wrong for Governments to coerce people into taking them.

A timely contribution to a hot concern in current social and political discourse, which you can read here.

The recent article from the journal Vaccines which Chris mentions, showing that vaccines slash COVID transmission rates by two-thirds, compared with unvaccinated individuals, can be read here.

The previous occasion wherein our Director, Prof. David Jones, argued that mandating that adults be vaccinated without consent would be in important akin to mandating live organ donation, or mandating medical experimentation, in the sense of instrumentalising people for medical reasons without their consent, can be read here.

Reportage of Pope Francis exhorting people to take the COVID vaccines, is here.

Our COVID-19 Briefing Paper series can be read on our website, here.

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