Depriving People of Food & Water Despite Their Previously Expressed Religious Beliefs recent
Shining a Light on Gender Identity Services: How The Cass Review Shows The Need For Evidence-Based Paediatric Medicine (Dr Julie Maxwell)
22 May 2024
An account of the Cass Review into Gender Identity Services, and how it uncovers the various ways in...
Normalising Surrogacy: A Threat To Human Dignity (Dr Pia Matthews)
13 May 2024
A critique of joint proposals by the Law Commission of England and Wales, and the Scottish Law Commi...
A Briefing on the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (HFEA) consultation, ‘Modernising the regulation of fertility treatment and research involving human embryos’
27 March 2023
Our Briefing on the March-April 2023 HFEA consultation into the potential revision of Human Fertilis...
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The Anscombe Bioethics Centre is supported by the Catholic Church in England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, but has also always relied on donations from generous individuals, friends and benefactors.